Le dernier Dimanche du mois à 19H !
1h pour créer un jeu, contre le spleen du dimanche soir

Prochaine Jam:

Vie privée

Cette page liste les données qui sont collectées et stockées, comment elles le sont, pourquoi elles sont stockées et comment vous pouvez controller ça. Nous sommes une petite entreprise qui prend pleinement en charge votre capacité à contrôler vos propres données

Ce que nous collectons et stockons

  • Pour chaque utilisateur, les données suivantes sont stockées :
    • ID d'utilisateur (nombre utilisé pour identifier chaque utilisateur en interne)
    • Date et heure de la création du compte
    • Nom d'utilisateur
    • Adresse IP utilisé lors de la création du comtpe
    • User Agent lors de la création du compte (navigateur et système d'exploitation)
    • Pseudo d'affichage (choisi en Paramètre du profil)
    • Information de validation du mot de passe (sel, mot de passe signé, numéro d'itération du hachage)
    • Date et heure de la dernière connexion
    • Adresse IP de la dernière connexion
    • User Agent lors de la dernière connexion (navigateur et système d'exploitation)
    • Adresse email (choisi en Paramètre du profil)
    • Compte Twitter (choisi en Paramètre du profil)
    • Bio (choisi en Paramètre du profil)
    • Rôle actuel (utilisateur ou administrateur)
    • Adresse IP lors de la dernière connexion
  • For each suggested Thème, the following user data is stored:
    • Submission date and time
    • IP Address and User Agent of user who suggested it
    • Username of user who suggested it
    • Thème text (user entered)
  • For each suggested Thème vote, the following user data is stored:
    • Date and time when vote was cast
    • IP Address and User Agent of user who cast the vote
    • Username of user who cast the vote
    • Thème which was voted on
    • Cast vote (-1, 0, +1)
  • For each submitted Jeu (sometimes called an entry), the following user data is stored:
    • Date and time when the Jeu was submitted
    • IP Address and User Agent of user who submitted the Jeu
    • Title of Jeu (user entered)
    • Description of Jeu (user entered)
    • Username of user who submitted the Jeu
    • URLs to where the Jeu is hosted (user entered; Web, Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS, Source and Other)
    • Screenshot image for Jeu (uploaded by user)
    • Jeu color (selected by user)
  • For each poll vote, the following user data is stored:
    • The option which was voted for
    • The username of the user who voted
  • For each satisfaction vote, the following user data is stored:
    • Date and time when the vote was cast
    • IP Address and User Agent of user who cast the vote
    • The question identifier which was voted on (for example JAM_160 when casting a satisfaction vote for Jam 160)
    • The option which was voted for
    • The username of the user who voted
  • For each user session, the following user data is stored:
    • The ID of the logged in user
    • Date and time when the session started
    • Hashed session ID
  • For each administrative action (scheduling Jams, changing user roles, deleting Thèmes, etc.), the following user data is stored:
    • Date and time when the log was created
    • IP Address and User Agent of administrator who triggered the event
    • The username of the administrator who triggered the event
    • The username of the subject the event relates to
    • A human readable descriptor of the event, which may include user data relevant to the event. The specific user data may be any of the following: User ID, Date and time of any kind, Username, IP Address, User Agent, User-entered content, Password hashes, Email address, Twitter handle, Role or anything else from this privacy document.
  • For each administion candidate vote the following user data is stored:
    • Date and time the vote was cast
    • IP Address and User Agent of administrator who cast the vote
    • The username of the administrator who cast the vote
    • The username of the person being voted on
    • The type of vote cast: Sponsor (administrator suggests the user as an admin candidate), for, neutral, against, veto

How data is transmitted and stored

All data is transmitted encrypted via HTTPS. This includes passwords and session IDs. Session IDs are stored in cookies.

All data is stored in plaintext, except passwords and session IDs. These are salted, peppered and hashed with SHA256 between 10000 and 20000 times (random number for each user). The result is stored. This same process is done again whenever a password or session ID is provided and the result is checked against the stored hashed values. As far as we're aware, this method means a breech of our database would not result in username/password combinations being obtainable through brute-forcing with current technology. Weak passwords are however easily obtainable no matter what encryption we use.

Why data is stored

  • User IDs and usernames are stored to determine which user is related to each bit of content.
  • Event dates and times, IP Addresses and User Agent information is stored to identify users in cases of abuse and user's level of activity.
  • Usernames, password validation information, session IDs and the user's role are stored to authenticate and authorize users.
  • Email addresses, Twitter handles, Bio, Thème text, Cast vote, Jeu title, Jeu description, Jeu URLs, Jeu image, Jeu color, Voted for option and any other user-entered fields are considered voluntarily entered. Removing these fields (e.g. submitting them as blank) will (unless otherwise stated upon submission) remove them from public visibility, the old versions may however remain in logs or administrator-only tools. See "How can you control your data" for more details.
  • For Thème votes, poll votes and satisfaction votes, the cast votes are directly tied to the user who cast them. This is done to ensure each user can only cast one vote and to indicate to the user what they voted for. In the case of Thème votes, it is so we can color the currently-voted-for option. This is also done to mittigate cases of vote abuse or to check what different groups of users voted for - for example select only what recent participants voted for. This does mean that there is enough data available to check what each user individually has voted for (Thèmes, polls and satisfaction).
  • The data in the administration log is stored to identify abuse, determine administrator activity and to reverse accidental or malicious changes.
  • The data in the administration candidate vote is stored to help determine which candidates should be given the administration role.

How you can control your data

If you wish to get a copy of all the data we have on you, please click the link labeled "User Data" in the menu, or visit us on Discord by clicking the button in the page's header and ask for an administrator. We'll need to authenticate you first though.

If you wish us to delete the data we have, please visit us on Discord by clicking the button in the page's header and ask for an administrator. We'll need to authenticate you first though.

Validate these claims

This software is open-source. Please feel free to validate these claims by examining the code for yourself. The code is linked in the page's footer.